An adventure…Sticks and Stones

I am sure that most of us have heard the line “Sticks and Stones can break mybones, but words will never hurt me”.  As we have grown older we know that is not necessarily true.

Ace Collins has written an amazing book containing stories/scenarios of how words can change our lives and potentially the purposes we see within our life.  This week was cheerleading tryouts at my school and a perfect place for me to try some of the ideals presented by Collins.  I had to leave the scripture in my mind but it was so interesting to see the reactions by many of the potential squad members.  They have probably had a coach or two that has had to yell to get their point across, where as I was attempting to use respect, quiet tones, and explanation.

I have moved this book from my home library to my desk at work.  I think it is a great read especially for those of us who use our motivate the next generation of individuals or our co-workers.

Here is the link for Sticks and Stones

Hope you have a great daily adventure.

An Adventure: Healing and Patience

So this week has been interesting.  I had surgery on Thursday morning and have pretty much been in la la land since then…  I am now starting to remember things in small doses based off of what people tell me I did or accuse me of.  For example, I remembered that the nurses in the recovery room pretty much decided I was fine and sent me back to my room after accusing me of being feisty because I want to lay on my side (as opposed to flat on my back).

I have a lot of work to catch up on and even more homework to do.  So here I go….

An Adventure: Daisy Chain Blog Tour

This is a first for me.  I have read lots of book and made lots of comments about them to people – read this one, don’t read that. 

On the first of March, I started reading “Daisy Chain” by Mary DeMuth.  That was the day that a long awaited book came out.  I can tell you this – the book was so worth the wait.  Now, I just have to wait until books two and more are released. 

Daisy and Jed’s stories are revealed in a page turning, sleep depriving, adventure.  They battle daily stigmas and appearances – especially those laid down with the East Texas “Bible Belt” .  The memories of Daisy that Jed uses to carry himself through his day, linger within the reader.  Jed’s memories cling to you just as the memories and curosities of your own childhood. 

The hidden story is of Jed, his family, and his neighbors.  I can’t wait to see how these outside characters hopefully develop in the next Defiance novels.  Another story that drew me in was the relationship of Jed and his sister (Sissy).  I frequently associated their “little” moments that are so vividly written to the moments I have shared with my brother.

This book is available through and I would highly recommend it.  If you are interested in using it as a women’s group title or summer reading book, it has a small reading guide within the book.

Daisy Chain on

Mary Demuth’s “Daisy Chain” webpage

I hope you enjoy your daily adventure today.

An adventure of homework

I am thinking that today’s daily adventure entails a lot of homework…. Both of my grad school classes have huge projects due this week and they are so very different.  Here we go…..

An adventure: Daisy Chain

I am so excited to be apart of a blog tour for a new book by Mary Demuth.  The book is called “Daisy Chain” .  I meet Mary last year and read two of her other books – “Watching the Tree Limbs” and “Wishing on Dandelions”.  Although, some of you may need tissue to get through Mary’s books – I did.

You can get Mary’s books from –

Watching the Tree Limbs

Wishing on Dandelions

Have a great adventure 🙂

An adventure: a new blogpage

So… I had to get delete my myspace account and the blog that I used to keep up with my family.  This is my new little piece of cyberspace.

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!